Technical specification
Product description:handmade encaustic cement tiles
– Wear colored layer: 3 to 4 mm +/- thickness affixed to the tile body by 1,700 psi mechanical pressure, composed of white portland cement, marble dust and mineral pigments for color (oxides and organic)
– Tile body: 12 mm +/- in thickness, composed of gray portland cement & sand dimensions:20 cm x 20 cm x 1.60 cm +/- (8” x 8” x 5/8”) 1.3 kg / tile (3.00 lbs) +/-32.5 kg/m2 (6.53 lbs/sqf)
Average coefficient of friction:
- unpolished / dry: 0.88 –unpolished / wet: 0.92
- polished / dry: 0.77 – polished / wet: 0.68 ( see attach below)
Abrasiveness: (scratch-resistance): 3 to 4 mohs – approximately same as black marble freeze/thaw resistance: like concrete, untreated cement tiles are not resistant to freeze/thaw cycles and should be protected with penetrating sealer and a second coat of a sealer based in acrylic.
Acid resistance: cement tiles are not resistant to acids and should be cleaned with phneutral cleaners.
use in wet areas: a high quality effective sealant must be used for shower, spa, or pool
Water absorption test: 9.5 to 10.5%
Our test reports: